I wish I could go back in time and give my younger self a hug 


I wish I could go back in time and give my younger self a hug. I wish I could hold her tightly. I wish I could caress her head and wipe her tears and cry with her. I wish I could rock her and tell her it is going to be okay. I wish I could ease the constant queasiness in her stomach. I wish I could show her somehow just how incredibly strong she is. I wish I could tell her that she is demonstrating extraordinary maturity and wisdom beyond her years. I want to hold her and cry. No one deserves this. She was forced to grow up so quickly. She didn’t deserve this. All she did was love. She has so much love to give. She loves hard, and she loves so fully. What kind of reason is that to feel so much pain? She trusted. She saw this best in him. She fell. She poured herself into him. And because of it, she ached so much. She hurt so much. She took so much pain by herself. I want to tell her she will be okay. I want her to know just how fucking strong she is being. I want her to know that she is going to turn out fucking amazing because of it. The way she handles pain, that shit is amazing. And it did not happen because or for him. It happened only because of and for her. She did that. She had it in her all along.

November 20, 2018

10:04 PM